ATTN: Robert DeNiro (Serious)
I think its safe say from all of us thank you for your work in the 70s, 80s and 90s, maybe even some in the early 2000's.
Raging Bull, Casino, Goodfella's, Godfather Part II, Ronin, Taxi, etc.
Thank you for the others I did not mention that were well praised, you really had an effect on most of us, and helped create some of the best movies of ALL time.
Now, with that said. Again, I hope I speak for the majority of us when I say this, I really think its time to hang up the hat. Like your friend Pesci did.
I hear you have people working for you to promote your movies, so maybe one of them will find this and pass it on to you.
Its a sad day when even the casting of you will no doubt ensure that movie will be ill fated. You have not had even a decent movie in the past 10 or so years, some say longer, I think you fizzled out right around 'Analyze This', I enjoyed you in 'The Score', many didnt. Your net worth is well above $200,000,000. Thats a lot of money, its safe to say you can retire from films and maybe perhaps get into directing or painting or anything else than acting, because its just not there anymore, and it will affect your other talents such as your Tribeca foundation and others.
You were praised for your performance in 'Silver Linings Playbook', and I thought you were OK and did a decent job, but its sad that performance, was praised, that is how low peoples expectations of your acting is now, that an 'OK' job is 'praised' as a potential come back.
With that aside, we thank you for all your other works now such as promoting the arts with Tribeca, and all the other good things you do.
We know your not 'intentionally' acting horrible, but please listen to not just me but others. We are really scratching our heads wondering what you are doing right now in regards to acting.
Your a good man in real life, great father, and husband, and a great member of the arts community.
But your acting is hurting all of it like a domino effect.
Thank you for taking time to read this if you ever do.