MovieChat Forums > Clown (2016) Discussion > REALLY Good...probably better than the B...

REALLY Good...probably better than the Babadook

A lot of films were better than the Babadook actually (really unclear plot, weak horror. After reading a bunch of message boards on its "intelligence", I still dont get why it's so praised).

Anyways, I really enjoyed this film. A lot. It made me genuinely scared, unlike a lot of other movies out there.

A really good take on a killer clown movie...and that is a HARD concept to get down because it's so repetitive and trite.

They did a pretty good, fair job.



Yeah, there was a great blend of horror and comedy which is very difficult. Special effects/designs were good also.


...Haven seen both films, I prefer "The Babadook". "Clown" is yet another horror-gorefest that is short on story and character development and high on fake blood and body count. It's a shame that all of Eli Roth's horror films seem to follow the same distinct pattern.

I hated "Clown", but I can understand how it can appeal to some...




i think this and babadook were both about 5/10. enertaining, but nothing spectacular.
