MovieChat Forums > Clown (2016) Discussion > Passing on the curse

Passing on the curse

So when one wears the suit, you become the demon. As in the case with the dog who ate the nose, or the piece of Kent's flesh within it, do you become the full demon despite not having the suit (skin). What if the mother had been bitten while fighting with the demon in the final scenes, would the curse for 5 children have transferred to her (sequel)? Is this curse akin to lycanthropy, in that anyone bitten, scratched but not killed by the demon, becomes the full demon? If so, what is the point of the skin suit? Is it just the curse's origination?

Thumbs up on the movie overall. Not perfect, but it did pretty well with a rather fundamentally silly premise.


They did say that it only took a part of the suit, not the entire suit to pass the curse. This was clearly aimed at explaining the dog turning and to make the plot a little scarier. It did not, however, mention anything about the curse being passed by injury, bites, or blood transfer. This was not inferred and I don't think it would be fair to make that leap. In fact, the mom DID get bit by the demon in the final fight, but the film didn't use that as a device to set up a potential sequel. What they did was show the costume in an evidence box, meaning the curse and the demon are still out there, waiting for a new host.

"We are here to help the Vietnamese, bc inside every *beep* there is an American trying to get out"
