The trailer

I think where these people continually go wrong is with the trailers. They keep including loads of scenes that aren't in the final movie, and although I understand that they do it to make sure the audience doesn't get spoiled (like so many trailers so), I think it'd be better for them to ultimately have several shorter and more ambiguous trailers. It's possible to release a trailer without 90% of it being footage you never intend on putting in the movie without at the same time revealing 90% of the actual movie. If it was only the case of "we thought certain scenes would work in the movie so we put them in the trailer but then realized they didn't" that'd be one thing, but that's so obviously not the case here. If you add in the scenes from the trailer, Julie's entire attitude about the whole thing changes drastically, since she then obviously is less oblivious to everything that's going on. And also since there's the fact where the film creators have admitted that they've filmed footage specifically for the trailers that were never meant to make it into the films at all.

Even if you're a hardcore Paranormal Activity fan you're going to get disappointed. Even if you actually like the film for what it is (the theatrical version), you're still going to be disappointed because certain scenes from the trailer you really wanted to see are gone. If I had never seen the official trailer I'd have enjoyed the movie more, because then that'd have been everything of it I knew. Having see the trailer I'm like, ok, that would have been sooo much better if they used scenes x and y.

It annoys me that they keep doing this, when there are other ways of approaching the matter.


I know that ticks me the *bleep* off. It's almost like false advertising. They could at least include those scenes in the DVDs somehow

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