Am I the only person who didn't like this film?
Personally I don't know why everyone thinks this is the best installment to the series. I wasn't that big of a fan of it. The continuity wasn't very good. Nothing that they set up in the first two movies happened in this one, nothing from the trailer even made it into the movie. There were no ghosts by the bedside, the house didn't burn down, none of that. There was a clip in the trailer where a burning house was shown, maybe it's a deleted scene, but it would have been nice to have that in the theatrical cut.
I didn't really find the end that scary either. I don't know maybe its because I'm over the scary old lady motif. I wasn't too impressed with it. The last ten minutes didn't "ruin my life" like everyone said it would, it was entertaining, but not all that scary to me. The only thing I could think of when he opened the door to see a bunch of grandmas was a sowing circle of some sort.
I liked the characters and the acting, that wasn't the problem. And the film delivered some alright scares, but it just didn't go with the set up from previous films and I didn't like that. Honestly this film was my least favorite of the series.