MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) Discussion > Incongruity, oh how thou dagger pierces ...

Incongruity, oh how thou dagger pierces my heart.. and more!

So, here it is. I post my own subjects occasionally and am more prone to rant at people for being idiots or to correct them on threads. I only make posts of my own when I feel there's something that warrents it.. this is one of those things. Arrrhhh beware, there be spoilers ahead.

Did anyone else get annoyed/notice that Katie and Kristi never once mention or remember that mommy and their beloved "step-dad" were brutally killed? They never once talked about in the first two movies how they were raised by grandmother and her weird friends. They never once mentioned the fact their mother was dead or that who they pretty much saw as their father was killed in front of them. I remember it pretty well and I only remember her blabbering on about the house fire from their old home. And if I remember it right, they said their father, not their mothers boyfriend. If it was true they thought of him as a father 10/18 years later - then why is it that they conveniently forgot he died in front of them after being shattered around the center.

Who thought the last 15 minutes of the movie was completely incongruous to the whole series? Personally I thought this one was far scarier than the other two. I will admit there were a few places here and there in 1 that got and still get me. I will say that I very nearly pee'd myself watching PA3, however the last 15 completely and totally ruined it for me. I went from being terrified and convinced I had something under my bed or that I was going to be strangled by the 80's stuffed Brontosaur toy on the wall behind my bed... to snickering, laughing, and just rolling my eyes. I mean if the point of the last half was to "explain" things it didn't. If it was meant so you could wind down because it was a complete 180 from the rest of the movie, then it succeeded.

As a Wiccan I seriously HATE how everything with demons/etc is explained by saying they were witches. That's mostly demonology and or Satanism, not witchcraft, given one of the major "laws" of Witchcraft is 'An' it harm none, do what ye will' but of course, let's not do leg work. Let's just say it was witches bent on world domination via Demons!


Yes they completely forgot. This is explained in great detail in both the 2nd and 3rd film. They were brainwashed beyond forgetting and in to complete rejection/denial.

Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.


One of the movies has Katie or Kristi saying things like, (the fire where we long everything)... (don't forget what happened to mom)... or the classic (I don't remember anything) which is said more than once.

So they were brainwashed to remember nothing, but then they say they remember things that never happened according to Part 3... It's just every movie contradicts the one prior to it... Not just the memories of Katie and Kristi, but stuff we ourselves have seen with flashbacks, flashforwards and flash sideways!



The mother didn't actually die that night. She was just unconscious. All were brainwashed I suppose.
