MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) Discussion > This is where they started getting into ...

This is where they started getting into Halloween 5 and 6 territory

When I saw the women in the garage, I lost all hope for these films. What ruins the mystery and creepiness of a horror franchise, especially one with lots of potential, is they go into these cliche "sold my/his/her soul to the devil" and creepy, satanist cult type story. This was proven even more in the fourth film. Wish they had gone with a totally new story with different characters/different entity with no connection to Katie's story. It already got old in the second film.

Passengers will refrain from killing my soul! ~Bus Driver Stu Benedict


They are dealing with witchcraft so selling of the soul is a gimme. But as far as the story goes they are stating that they regret pa4 because it shed no new light on the franchise. I also believe that they postponed pa5 because of this so they could scrap the idea of what they were gna do with 5 and rewrite it.



This feels all too familiar for a franchise desperately trying to keep itself alive, but really, I didn't think any of these installments were that great. 6/10 stars from me for minor interest.


I like this movie and I enjoy horror movies dealing with cults, but I think the series took a turn for the worse with Part 4. It kind of seemed like they didn't know where to go so they made stuff up out of thin air and it was confusing. Let's hope Part 5 will tie everything together.
