man, was this a fail!

seriously, i don't get the decent reviews this movie got when it came out. to each's own, sure, but this movie just wasn't good. i admit i really like the first two movies. they scared the *beep* outta me when they came out in theaters and they still do today. so what the hell happened here? i wanted to like Paranormal Activity 3 - i really did - but i remember sitting there in the theater, watching this movie and getting bored outta my mind like 20 minutes in. i swear to you, i still remember hearing people snore throughout this whole movie, when that never happened in PA 1 and 2. this movie's just boring! it completely lacks the charm and sense of fear that made the first two so good. instead, they replaced all of that with JUMP SCARES! i hate jump scares! jump scares are NEVER scary, if you don't know how to do them right. oh yea, and all the creepy scenes we saw in the trailer.... none of that ever happens in the movie. none of them! they lied in their god damn trailers! f@#$&n hate when that happens! in the end, i wanted to like Paranormal Activity 3, but in reality i left the theater, feeling like i just got slapped across the face.


I just feel like this movie wasn't necessary. We more or less already knew what happened to the family. Did it really require a whole film for it? This one is my least favorite of the series.

~Keep on Trucking!~



There are still things I'm wondering about.
1. What happened to the girls bio
2. Why did LOIS kill her daughter
3. Who raised the girls after the
mother and step-father died?
4. How were the deaths explained
to the police?
5. What happened to Dennis after
he found out they were dead?


Exactly. A load of gaps. The girls were obviously got at and brainwashed, and then it was only the coven left. The engine could've been them shifting the family car. They could've made any story up to the police, then kept the girls with Lois. Maybe we're meant to think the bio dad was put out the way by them before.

We can also assume that nothing else happened afterwards, until Kristi's hauntings begin in PA2.


You sound upset.


cause i really liked the first 2 movies in the franchise and i really wanted to like this 3rd movie. but i'm sorry, it just wasn't good. it was a huge disappointment!


All I'm reading here is CRY CRY CRY WAH WAH WAH from OP.


You're seriously arguing that the first two movies don't rely on cliched jump scares at every turn? What planet are you on, man!?


The first two had a lot more of the closing doors and pots and pans rattling first. There's the clever stuff with the panning camera, but would the ghost sheet and collapsing kitchen still have the same effect through still cameras?
