Commander Stern... (spoilers)
So Commander Stern was the one who beat Ms. Delaine? I thought it was the club owner, Cilenti (he semi-threatens her when he tells her, 'see what happens when you don't listen').
shareSo Commander Stern was the one who beat Ms. Delaine? I thought it was the club owner, Cilenti (he semi-threatens her when he tells her, 'see what happens when you don't listen').
shareYes, it was Stern. That was a weird sub-plot, I have to say.
i think it was good- it makes the fact that Stern won't help as Cilenti has something on him
I think Stern had PTSD and took it out on women. At first I thought his relationship with Hector was mildly homoerotic and I expected him to be in love with Hector.. who knows maybe he was and that was where the anger came from.. not being able to have who he really wanted.
Curious how the porkies like to recruit ex-squaddies, it's almost as if desensitised war criminals are sought out. Perhaps it saves the bother of training them?
Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.
Okay, I know you're ahead of me (I just watched ep. 2:4) ; but I thought of two other Stern-related questions that are bugging me.
1. In ep. 2:4, they all of a sudden know that Stern beat Delaine. But as best as I can tell, Freddie only found that ceramic thing in Delaine's apartment. That means Stern knew Delaine; but not that he beat her.
2. Also in ep. 2:4, Stern says he got Hector off; but that's not really the truth. Hector's wife, reluctantly, gave him an alibi (and I wondered at the time whether it would hold up, given that she was his wife and would be expected to stand up for him). A minor thing; but I hate when shows do that.
No, seeing the ceramic piece in Kiki's flat doesn't mean that Stern beat her, but it does mean he was there. And, if Hector hadn't been in her flat, that narrows down the suspects. So, Freddie suspected Stern did it and it turns out he was right. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.
As for the alibi, Stern did allow Hector to go. He didn't have to, but he did. It's not quite as big a deal as you're making it.
Yeah, that's how it went; but that doesn't mean it really makes sense. Journalists (one would hope) wouldn't go from the ceramic evidence to accepting as fact that Stern beat her.
Second, same goes for letting Hector go. Stern said he couldn't do it, and didn't, until they 'found' Marnie and she vouched for Hector. Stern only physically 'let him go.' It was Marnie that got him off the hook.