Movie Reviews or
Movie Reviews or
Thanks - I wanted to offer a compliment and a criticism of that review even though I haven't seen the film. I do like this review overall, the way you wrote it and the tone of it - especially in the first paragraph and the comparison of Hollywood/indie...........up until the last sentence overall - it's more of a pet peeve.
Isn't that last sentence just a cheap joke really. Like Al Pacino didn't make The Godfather or Jack and Jill, he's just an actor in them - and just as it's difficult to picture anyone being better than him in The Godfather, it's just as difficult (really!) to picture him being any better than he was in Jack and Jill - I mean it's an awful, awful film, but other than not being in the film of the first place, what else could he have done with that?
If Leonardo DiCaprio played Danny Collins, would it be insightful (or even funny or even smile inducing) to say "don't expect The Departed but be thankful it isn't Critters 3".........What does that actually tell anyone about the film, comparing 2 wildly disparate films that are only linked by the actor. It's not even like this film would evoke either of them in content remotely - it's a complete out of left field thing.
Ok, that aside, I'll definitely check out more of your reviews though and look forward to it.
You were kinder than I was with my review at Ruthless.
Goat at Ruthless Reviews