40 year old "teenager"

Plummer says to Pacino, sarcastically:

"Oh, no, Danny, you look perfectly normal standing next to a coked-up teenager who can't keep her nipples covered for more than five minutes."

Thing is though, Katarina Cas turns 40 next year... :D

Sure, she's gorgeous, and a good actress, but I don't think she really looks much younger than she is. Certainly not that much younger.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


He was joking, as in "She's a teenager compared to you." If she was a teenager, there would be no need for a pre-nup or wedding at all.


I agree, he was being sarcastic and I honestly didn't think they were trying to portray her literally as a teenager. But I did get the impression she was supposed to be considerably younger than the actress' actual age, perhaps late 20's. I don't think most of the age-related criticisms/jokes work that well with a person who's actually 40.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


I agree with the following reply:

IMDB_Vits replied 5 days ago
He was joking, as in "She's a teenager compared to you." If she was a teenager, there would be no need for a pre-nup or wedding at all. 


Some of you guys really take stuff literally, and you scare me. You miss a whole lot of meaningful facets when you are so focused on the literal interpretation of everything. You don't seriously think the lady looked like a 'young Jackie O' too, did you? Because Pacino started the conversation with that, and it's clearly sarcasm.
