Sean Bean's 100% Blade Tattoo
Did anyone else notice during the scenes where Tracie/ Simon is shaving his body that you can see Sean Bean's real-life 100% Blade tattoo? He's had that for years as he's a die-hard Sheffield United supporter.
Strange that the character would have it though. Because Simon was obviously gay and came out as a teenager as was told to Tony in the car. So Sean's tattoo could have been covered up what with all the make-up being applied anyway.
Anyway great episode. some scenes I was laughing out loud- I mean who can take Sean Bean as a woman seriously? Let alone even take Sean Bean wanting to be a woman seriously? LET ALONE Sean Bean being anything other than 100% MAN,LOL. The guy is a man's man.
But the acting was excellent and both Bean and Stephen Graham was fantastic in it.
Trade- phenodihydrochloride benzelex
Street- the embalmer