MovieChat Forums > Accused (2010) Discussion > Stephens Story 28 aug 2012 [spoiler]

Stephens Story 28 aug 2012 [spoiler]

Understand the young mans turmoil but he is shown as a potential dis-respecter of women in a few pieces. The periods of momentary schizophrenic behaviour are clues to a reason for the character flaws with the paranoid thoughts then explained by the confession to his father about weed abuse the view that we viewers had no knowledge about.

Sheridan's visit at the end is confusing because he really has no desire to see her and her telling him his father and brother are unwell can make us believe that his fears may not be groundless and that we do indeed have a nurse he suggested just before his mothers induced death enjoyed watching or being part of the death of others.

Hardly a good message about the small body of nurses out there working hard to make death in all areas as painless as possible.

Not a bad outing for John Bishop though. Sheridan shows why she is in so much demand.


Its just a made up programe.


I saw the Afghanistan episode in the first series and thought that was so poor I didn't bother with any of the others in that series... I wouldn't have bothered with this series either. But, I was rather intrigued by the transvestite story with Sean Bean and gave that a go... It wasn't pefect. But, I rather enjoyed it. So, as I do like John Bishop and Sheridan Smith, I gave "Stephen's Story" a go last night... I didn't think it was entirely successful... I do have a soft spot for Sheridan Smith. But, I think she's more suited to light / comedy rôles and she struggled to do much with a badly written, two-dimensional character - a fairy tale evil step-mother... John Bishop did as well as he could with another poorly written character - an apparently loving father, who's suddenly insensitive enough to starting flaunting his new sexual partner in front of his recently bereaved sons... I thought the schizophrenia aspects were quite well done. (Though, it's a little depressing that, while the vast majority of schizophrenics are no threat whatsoever to other people, it's the tiny minority who might pose a threat who are almost always portrayed on tele.) But, then, we got the bit tagged on the end that suggested Charlotte might be a poisoner after all... That just cheapened the whole thing and felt like an insult to both schizophrenics and palliative care nurses... It's all very well to leave the audience guessing... In fact, it's good to treat the audience like adults and avoid spelling every little thing out for them. But, the writer should be absolutely certain in his own mind about what's true and what isn't in the little world he's created... In this, I got the distinct impression the writer couldn't make his mind up and was hedging his bets.

Having said all that, I didn't turn it off. So, it must have been engaging enough... Like a lot of drama on tele these days, it would have been considerably better if a little bit more work had been put into the writing.


Beverley Allitt was an insult to Pediatric nursing, but sadly she still did what she did, so I don't think Charlotte being a possible murderer cheapened the story at all. If anything it made the viewers question whether Stephen's concerns were valid, even though he was schizophrenic.


This was the worst episode ive seen of 'Accused' from both series. I thought the story was poor, didnt find it gripping at all.


Sheridan Smith was badly cast in this, like the earlier comment made shes fine but better suited to lighter roles. I'd also rate it as the least rewarding of both series. And the ending did imply that even though he had psychological problems, he could have been right in his actions.
'Censors tend to do what psychotics do,they confuse reality with illusion' David Cronenberg


Not the best episode, and as much as I detest Sheridan Smith and John Bishop in their 'normal roles', found they were convincing in this.
I got the impression early on that Sheridans' character was an unsavoury and nasty piece of work, and was convinced she killed the pet dog.........but why did she slink into Stephens room all sultry asking about his sex life? Was she out to have him exposed to the dad as a sex pest if he made a move on her?


Thats the impression i got. He was clearly looking at her the whole time and i think she noticed on more than one occassion. I think she was hoping for him to make a pass, then cry out and make him look bad.

I would of been too weak and gone in for the touch if she came into my room dressed like that haha.

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"Potential disrespector?" why because he refused to kiss a woman who may have killed his dog's behind. Women have no respect for themselves any longer why should men respect them?
