Major inconsistency in ep. 4 (EP. 3 SPOILERS)
There seems to be a major error in episode 4 which I just can't get my head around. At the end of episode 3 we see Stephen Cartwright being visited in prison by his 'evil stepmother', who tells him that both his brother and father are unwell - a major plot twist which is impossible to forget.
However, the first major event in episode 4 is that Stephen kills himself after having been alone in his cell for 28 hours. If he was taken straight from trial to jail and immediately commits suicide, when is it he is supposed to have been visited by his stepmother?
Also, his father features throughout this episode and appears to be in excellent health.
I find it hard to believe that such an exemplary and experienced writer as Jimmy McGovern would have overlooked such a major plot hole, so have I completely missed something here?