Having seen the original made me dislike this version all the more
Dear Hollywood,
Please stop doing s#1tty remakes of foreign films.
Dear Hollywood,
Please stop doing s#1tty remakes of foreign films.
I just saw the original. The problem isn't that re-make is bad, but that it is completely unnecessary. It's not even that you have to read many subtitles, which is the main justification for pointless re-makes.
shareI liked this version more. The acting was better, which is important for this kind of thing (Elizabeth Olsen really sells the terror), and the way the camera stuck with the main character more made the movie more tense as a whole, because it lets you experience what she is going through. It also did away with some of the weak points of the original, like the scene where the camera takes the POV of a character (which was really out of place), the "based on a true story" gimmick, and the false ending. Speaking of endings, I prefer the remake's; in the original, the twist (which I think was less believable) just sort of happens, but the remake does a good job at hinting at it throughout, and when it happens, it does a great job of selling the craziness and confusion that happens.
Overall, it was just better made and more effective. I watched it alone, in a dark room, and I really felt sucked into Olsen's experience. I was actually really impressed by how good the movie was at doing that (and scaring me, which doesn't usually happen). The original didn't do any of that for me.
I tend to think American's for the most part are unable to relate to or appreciate anything that isn't steeped in American culture.
shareThat's a lot of assuming. I'm not really American (was born there, but had a seriously multicultural upbringing), and I enjoy lots of things that aren't American, La Casa Muda inlcuded. I just thought Silent House was a better made film (and I really don't see anything "steeped in American culture" about it, besides the uncle owning a gun, I guess). People can have different opinions. At least I supported mine with arguments and was civil about stating it.
Edit: This is kind of interesting/relevant. This was posted in the board for La Casa Muda; it's a video from a Chilean reviewer who reviews both movies back to back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pYd8uGOoOo
He didn't really like either, but states that Silent House is made better.
I would hope you're able to recognize "made better" is a purely subjective judgement. "Better" is in the eye of the beholder.
Supporting opinions with opinions isn't proof of anything.
I have my opinion and you have yours. I'm content to leave the matter there.
They'll stop when the s#1tty remakes stop making a s#1tload of money! Until then, you can't blame Hollywood, just the people who go see & support them.