This movie is the first third of a bad story stretched out over 90 agonizing minutes. It made no sense, it's not scary at all, there's lots of continuity errors, and the characters are not developed enough to make me care about them at all.
The scariest thing about this movie is it appears to show a young girl naked in a bathtub, and people apparently paid to see that.
I would like my money and the last 90 minutes of my life back. What a waste.
Aside from what I think should have cast older actors to play the father and uncle I dont see anything wrong woth the movie. Aside from the imdb goof section what continuity errors are u referring to?
I think this is a great movie and I encourage a lot of film students to watch it as well as other creative movies like Buried with Ryan Reynolds. I mean if it wasn't a one take movie it would be just another horror movie but I still think it had its scary moments. Especially the basement scene.
Some of these are continuity errors, some are just general goofs.
First time the father's bloody face is shown, it's much more damaged than the slight bit of blood on it shown later.
Also, there's more blood on his shirt earlier than later.
The 900 watt generator shown powering the whole house could never have actually provided that much power. Not even close. I have almost the exact same generator and it can not run a string of traditional filament bulbs. The more wire between the bulb and the generator, the more work it takes to drive the bulb, so an old house full of old wiring means the generator would have used most of the energy it generated just overcoming the resistance of the home wiring. Also, running a generator inside like that will kill you. Quickly. Never, ever try that at home.
Almost the exact same gripes with the battery shown lighting up non-LED bulbs. It just wouldn't happen, although at least that part is safe to operate indoors.
Not enough time went by for the lighting to go from late afternoon to sunset to twilight to darkness.
When she shot the gun there was no sound of it hitting anything or the shell casings hitting the ground. For a movie named 'silent house', every shot of a gun should be an exaggerated sequence of sounds, her finger on the trigger making a slight click, the hammer of the gun striking the bullet, the bullet going off, the sound of it hitting something, possibly ricocheting off, and particles of debris and crumbling house plaster hitting the ground for several seconds after each shot, interspersed with sharp metal sounds of the casings hitting the steps and cascading down.
Sometimes the doors squeak, sometimes they don't
The van seems to have moved closer to the house between being parked, her running out of it into the house, and then back out of the house later.
There's probably more but I'm not putting myself through that movie again just to spot them all.
But those continuity errors doesn't have anything to do woth the story. Lots of Hollywood films (and I don't consider this a Hollywood film) have continuity errors similar to what you described and they have zero impact on the story. Usually when ey use a snake scene in the movie they use a king snake that are harmless yet pass off as a poisoners Corel snake as an example.
One movie I like is United 93 but when you look closely err are lots of continuity errors (people in different spots on the plane, hair looks different, shirt ripped in one shot then fine in another) but as an editor myself were taught not to worry about continuity errors and focus more on the emotions.
Using artistic license a lot of the stuff you described in the end it kinda does explain that a lot of stuff happened in her mind so it's a fantasy. There are no real intruders, she attacked her father and uncle but imagines intruders doing it.
Again, I look at this movie as more of an art film where it's shot in a certain way and it makes it different from the typical being stalked in a cottage movie.
I saw Children of Men and my teacher showed it to us to show long takes. Had I seen this movie I woud have brought up this film since the entire movie is shot like this. I k is its not shot in one take but try filmed it a certain way to get that effect.