MovieChat Forums > Silent House (2012) Discussion > IMDB movie elitists please stop

IMDB movie elitists please stop

This was a great little gem. It tried out something not many films do with the whole "one take" look. Elizabeth Olsen has such strong emotion. When she is scared, I can feel her fear. When she struggles and *beep* trying to get away at parts like the basement scene, it's so damn realistic and makes it all the more terrifying. The ONLY gripe I have is the choice of actors for the father and uncle. The father looks maybe 10-15 years older than Olsen and the uncle just looks her age. Other than that, I just don't see why people hate on this film and say it "wasted their time". If it wasted your precious time, why waste even MORE of it commenting cruel things on this message board? Just grow up and move on to something you actually enjoy.

People on the internet amaze with their blind hatred.


Some people claim that youtube has the worst commenters in the world. But, I assure you, it's imdb. I hate imdb commenters. Yes, that means I hate myself.

The camera work is incredible in this movie. Olson is astounding, and deserved awards if she didn't get any. I didn't think the last 15 minutes was very good, but, that's the fault of the original story that they were remaking.

Anybody who says this movie is "boring" or a "waste of their time" isn't qualified to comment on film.


Yeah i know what you mean. The last bit is not as great as the rest of the movie. But yeah I have the same problem over on youtube's comment section lol. People will literally tear apart a video of their favorite family-friendly youtuber simply because they kiss their boyfriend/girlfriend in the video. IMDB is definitely worse though because EVERY single movie I have watched in the past few years (I watch tons every year, at least one or two a week) people just spew hatred on the message boards and claim that everything is the "worst movie ever" without ever truly explaining why. I understand giving constructive criticism, but just destroying a movie because you "didn't like it" doesn't tell anyone jack *beep* Their excuses are always "duhh freedom of speech" or "well im discussing the movie and thats what this site is for". Yes, the message boards are for movie DISCUSSION, but they were not designed for dumbasses to bash every halfway decent film that comes out. IMDB filters out bad language right? Well, they need to have mods that quality check these boards to make sure people aren't just spreading negativity. We celebrate film on this site, critique it, rate our favorites and least favorites, learn more about how the films were made, who made them, and who starred in them. But some people just love to ruin the nice things we have. They take advantage of the system and abuse their right of speech to just bash whatever they desire. You'd think people would have more decency than that. At least there are people like yourself though...this site needs more of your kind. You can enjoy the movie even with the flaws. No film is flawless, but if they're good enough for you to enjoy, that's all that truly matters at the end of the day.
