
I was expecting an apocalyptic epic ending with the gateway to hell being significant, some kind of end of the world feel. Instead it was a bomb blowing up a mall...seriously?

Watch John Dies At The End. Like this but a thousand times more interesting.

Film writer/novelist/music professional


I kind of consider them cousin films, even though JDATE was made on a much smaller budget and is, I will say, a little more charming.

And that is how I saved them and became KING Dumbass!!!


The whole ending makes no sense. He's given all these clues to stop this massacre, and still doesn't somehow. He knows the location and time but doesn't tell the authorities or anybody at the actual mall, even when he gets there to stop it.

Also ghosts can't talk, this is established several times throughout the movie, until the end when his dead girlfriend ghost can somehow do it just because. The movie had an interesting beginning and premise, but the sagging middle and nonsense ending kind of ruined it...


No, Odd explained at the end what was really happening in that final encounter with Stormy. He was speaking for her. She never actually said a WORD in that scene...Stormy's ghost could NOT and did not speak.

Actors do not have a job...they have a blast!


Also, he did stop the massacre
, unfortunately a few people still ended up dying.


Also ghosts can't talk, this is established several times throughout the movie, until the end when his dead girlfriend ghost can somehow do it just because. The movie had an interesting beginning and premise, but the sagging middle and nonsense ending kind of ruined it...

Were you even watching the movie?

She never speaks after getting killed.


You obviously never read the books. My favorite series by Dean Koontz


The book series was fantastic. Hard to replicate in movie format.
And now with the death of poor Anthony Yelchin.....
Dean Koontz is a great author, somewhat in the same vein as Stephen King.
I think the movie could have been better, but as I was saying, hard to replicate.



followed your advice and watched John dies at the end: GARBAGE IMO
enjoyed much more odd thomas
