MovieChat Forums > The Expendables 2 (2012) Discussion > Close to Final Scene Anomalie-- (SPOILE...

Close to Final Scene Anomalie-- (SPOILER ALERT!)

In a close to final scene that takes place at the airport, where'd Vilain's head go? Okay, I get that this movie is shot through with the dumbest of plot holes, but jeese, why not make a tiny bit of an effort writer-people?! So Blarney had it slung over his shoulder, dripping blood and brains and stuff from a messy tear at the bottom of the bag, then he flings it down at the feet of Church with the pithy comment "Heads up!" Then there's a bit of dialogue, then off we go in a helicopter from which a lovely pullback shot of Barney waving a fond farewell is mounted and as the shot widens we see lovely clean pavement, no head bag, no blood, no nothing. Oh well. So goes the Expendables. But really folks with writing like this, plot questions just seem stupid. I mean, why anything?!
