MovieChat Forums > The Expendables 2 (2012) Discussion > Brand new Chuck Norris fact

Brand new Chuck Norris fact

1) The glaciers retreated out of fear of Chuck Norris

Insert your own BRAND NEW Chuck Norris fact!



Chuck Norris put so much "just for men" in his hair and beard that he actually convinced himself that he's not a decrepit, third rate, washed up action star.


3) Chuck Norris stares when he meditates.
4) Chuck Norris outswam a torpedo


5) Chuck Norris broke his hip when he fell in the shower because he's old. thankfully he had Life Alert.


6) Chuck Norris hated Reading Rainbow when he was a kid. Still, Reading Rainbow sweats Chuck Norris.


7) Chuck Norris is in bed and asleep by 6pm every night. that said, he still only gets 5 hours of sleep a night because his inflamed prostate has him running to the bathroom every half hour.


8) Chuck Norris shaved his beard once. It broke the razor.


9) Chuck Norris hates it when kids play on his lawn while he's trying to watch NCIS


Here's a fact for you: Chuck Norris is a typical american: Backwards thinking (i bet he believes in god), retarded, homophobe, xenophobe and a perfect hypocrite (violence is ok, but words like *beep* are baaaaaaaad)


Ladies and gentlemen, the world's only non-hypocrite: ShadowAngelx


Chuck Norris was suppose to die three years ago, but Death couldnt muster enough courage to claim him.

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