MovieChat Forums > L.A. Noire (2011) Discussion > Question about the DLC cases

Question about the DLC cases

out of the (so far) 2 DLC cases that are available, is one longer than the other? Granted, I loved working the Traffic desk and really wanted to do Slip of the Tongue first, but I figured I oughta do the Vice case first, but it seems longer than I expected it would be. Is one case longer than the other? I have finished the game but not the 2 DLC cases. Just trying to stretch out the 'new' material I have before the next DLC is out and didn't want to finish it prematurely.


The Naked City is longer than A Slip of the Tongue. But A Slip of the Tongue has Kurt Fuller.

The Naked City is a really good case though. Might even be my favorite from the whole game.

"Are you in the army?"
"No man, I just have short hair."


NE Releses tomorrow, I hope it'll be a lot longer.

Why is it so easy for children to break into The Pentagon?


Wow! I'd almost forgotten about that. This month has flown by for me.

"Are you in the army?"
"No man, I just have short hair."
