Where to next?

I really enjoyed this game. A good change of pace and had to use the ole' noodle a bit.
Still could be "better".

But anyway, what would you like to see next?

I was thinking a San Francisco in the 70's setting. Maybe a little Dirt Harry-esque rouge cop trying to track a killer. Or a Starsky & Hutch based game.

Then I though that the Lethal Weapon films would translate well into a game of this genre. They could base the whole game on the 4 flicks (and add some new cases). It's all there the action, shooting, footchases. Detective work. Rookie cop making a name for himself. Being promoted...and demoted.

Finally, old game(s) I used to love popped into my head. The Police Quest series. They were old adventure style games from Sierra. Starring Sonny Bonds, who later featured in the SWAT games. Again it was all about a cop working the beat doing mundane offences, but stubles on a murder and works his way up the ranks tracking a killer. They could reboot the series in the L.A Noire style.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


"I was thinking a San Francisco in the 70's setting. Maybe a little Dirt Harry-esque rouge cop trying to track a killer."

I was going to post the same thing. Some of the cases could be based around the Zodiac killer.

Yorkshire is a place. Yorkshire is a state of mind.


I'd like to see a Chicago "Noire". Im really tired of these California and New York settings.


I'd like to see a Chicago "Noire".

Yeah Untouchables style.
The real Untouchables, not the TV show/film.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


totally, i love the whole 70's feel, zodiac killer even, i doubt they'd be allowed to portray real cases, but if they could - let us catch ted bundy before he kills again etc.

i'd even like to ride around as a chips cop on a bike.


i doubt they'd be allowed to portray real cases

You do know the cases in L.A Noire are based on real cases...right?
They just change details like names, etc.

Team Bondi meticulously researched stacks of original articles reported in the newspapers of the day to cull authentic elements of real life crimes that would inspire the in-game cases.

Example: “The Red Lipstick Murder” is based on the real life homicide investigation into the murder of Jeanne French. French was a 45 year old veteran Army nurse who was discovered stripped and stomped to death in an isolated lover’s lane type area of LA known as “The Moors” early one morning in February ’47.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Good Idea. A while back Clint Eastwood was working on a Dirty Harry game with Gene Hackman but it was cancelled. There was talk about starting it up again but that was long ago.


How about London in the time of Jack the Ripper?

"Are you in the army?"
"No man, I just have short hair."


Has to be set in the 40's or 50's to keep the Noir feel. I like the idea some one suggested of Chicago Noire. I would even go for an NY Noire.



How about the 1950's Las Vegas, or at least that area.

Other than that, I think one in the 70's would be great.

Why is it so easy for children to break into The Pentagon?


I'd like to see a fire fighter game. It doesn't matter what city the game takes place but what I would like is a game mechanic where the fire actually destroys structures in a realistic fashion. Ie, not like in Red Dead Nightmare where wooden structures were forever on fire.

Imagine the game based around the challenges of having to fight fire and rescue people in buildings that are succumbing to the ravages of such fire. Maybe give the player the tough of decision of having to choose who to rescue at a given situation.

Rockstar could still have their trademark open world and lets not forget that fire fighters don't just put out burning buildings. There could be a whole wealth of tasks that you would have to work through.
