MovieChat Forums > L.A. Noire (2011) Discussion > Just finished the game this afternoon an...

Just finished the game this afternoon and my thoughts (spoilers)

First off I thought the game overall was fantastic. It was something new and it seemed to work even when things got repetitive at times. I'd give it a 8 out of 10 overall. Now on to some of the things that made me confused or I rather disliked.

1. Cole's affair with the German singer-This really seem to come out of nowhere so much to the point where I was not even really sure if it was the real deal or if was just part of Cole's plan to bring down the crouption. Not me mention that we're given no clues into Cole's at home life except that he has a wife and 2 children. Perhaps if in the flashbacks they would have shown Cole and his wife fighting over something it would have made for a more clear understanding.

2. I found it also odd that Roy Earle was not brought to justice and furthermore spoke and Cole's funeral. There was evidance that he was getting payoffs for the GI project but yet after Cole died nothing came to light. In truth I was really hoping that Cole and Roy would have a final showdown of sorts gun fight or what not but this never came to pass.

3. Not being able to question or arrest Dr. Fontaine-Now one can say that Fontaine got his just due by getting killed by the monster he created. but once again this kind of belongs in the Roy Earle topic as I felt Cole should have been the one to take him down especally give all the hype the man got from the start of the game.

As I said overall great game. But some points left a really bad taste in my mouth.


1. I agree, the affair made no sense at all. There is a thread on here talking about just that.

2. Two things I draw from this.
First, it's a Noir style story. Sometimes people "get away with it".
Second, set up for a sequel/follow up?
Personally I'd like to play as Earl in a new game or DLC perhaps (kind of like the GTA DLCs). But I don't think that will happen as the DLCs just seem to be extra cases and not story extentions.
I liked Earl as a character (more than Cole infact), I'd like him to return in some form.

3. I wanted to "get" Fontaine too, but didn't think it was a major plot point. As he ended up dead anyway, he got what was coming to him.

I think it depends on how you view Cole as a character. For me, he was no "hero". More an anti-hero. Part of me wanted him to be a dirty cop and not stick to the rules so least the affair thing would have made some sense.

Tis a great game, but so many improvements could be made for another installment.
They can really run with this style gameplay, and I hope they keep building on it.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Thanks for the reply all great points.


I agree with you %100, on everything. I'd also like to say that I was surprised at how Cole died. I felt it was completely random, unexpected, and (most importantly) not very redeeming considering how many demons he had. After discovering that massive plot twist with the flame-thrower soldier AND discovering Sheldon shot him in the back in the cave... there just wasn't any absolution for Cole. He just... kinda... bought the farm.

"And the monkey flips the switch."


I don't really think the affair was out of nowhwere. We don't see Cole's family beforehand, and to me I think that says something. He's more interested in his career than his wife...Chris Rock, who I'm not a big fan of, says something I think is kind of true: A man is only as faithful as his options.

Perhaps, this was Cole's problem. Elsa was willing and he went for it.
