Rockstar Games Creates The Best Games
Seriously, I just bought an XBOX 360 a couple of months ago because I had to play Bully: Scholarship Edition and the amazing GTA IV. I'm a huge fan of videogames and wanted to play these 2 games and many others (Alan Wake for example) and I usually pick my videogames based on their storyline, graphics and gameplay. I've played hundreds of games on multiple consoles and I have to say that no one knows how to make games like Rockstar does. Of course, games like God of War, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Final Fantasy and many others are also considered to be awesome games but I consider Rockstar's games as being the best games ever created for the following reasons:
1) The Graphics: Maybe the graphics are not always as good as Heavy Rain's for example, but I still consider them to be more than decent. Let's not forget to mention that the games they make are full of small details, like how they focus on every single aspects without leaving any blank aspect of any object they design for their games. I also like how they design their characters. The characters they make are so unique and each and every one of them has a very different personality from the other. The way they dress, talk, and even act. Plus, I realised after watching more than one trailer of L.A NOIRE that their character's facial expressions are getting even more realistic!
2) The Gameplay: So easy, after playing for just a couple of hours any rockstar game, you quickly become used to the gameplay that I consider to be very simple. What I like the most about the gameplay is that the character you play moves around so easily and feels so flexible while doing multiple actions. Let's not forget to mention that you get to use many items like cellphones, payphones and the internet.
3) The Music: I love how every Rockstar game has its own music collection. The songs they feature in their games are classics and they put you in the mood for every single game. Rockstar also proves that it's not just about the songs in Bully, a game that only contains scores by Shawn Lee, and I have to say that he's an amazing composer. The atmosphere in Bully is breathtaking!
4) The Storyline: I may sound cheesy here, but since I'm a huge movie fan I usually pick my videogames based on their story and their atmosphere. A videogame has to have a decent and unique storyline. I'm not the kind of guy who enjoys decapitating his enemies for endless hours, it's just, not my cup of tea. I mean, I enjoy trying different styles of finishing moves in Mortal Kombat or Tekken 4 for example, but I usually feel like 'Then What?' and get bored very quickly. I only enjoy playing these kind of games when I'm in the mood to only have fun with my mates.
So I think these are the main different reasons I just love all the games made by Rockstar, from Max Payne to GTA to Bully. I forgot to mention that the games are also long which means that you'll be satisfied by the amount of missions every Rockstar game offers. Anyway, I'd also like to hear other fans' point of views and what they love the most about ROCKSTAR GAMES.