sequel ideas
Ok first I'd like this to have a sequel in 30s or 40s BUT I also thought that a Bullit adaptation would be perfect!
I mean Bullit was just a little bit noirish, but as a side-sequel would be really cool (imagine like in total war series or medal of honor). Imagine that you'd have all the cars of that era all muscle camaros, stangs (if youd get really good you could later buy the fastback mustang) youd chase around san Francisco, they could even bring back steve mcqueen to life with the new technology! (Steve mcqueen appeared in computer game in "great escape" recently). Wouldnt that be uber cool? You wouldnt play some 3-4 party actor but a real star of its time with a really stunning next gen graphics (they could even scan his moves from the movies and facial mimmic), more of that, there is also a new scanning technology developed by some polish studio, that means they could make the game even more fotorealistic and finally the movie could finally get a great adaptation/sequel
They could even bring more stars like Bronson and others to that game and I guess it could really bring the franchise to a whole new level