False caption

In Season 3, episode 8, when Travis and Mary Beth are talking, the caption says "the ones with closed caption are only in the afternoon," yet he signs "morning" instead of afternoon and you can even hear him say "morning." Did anyone else notice this? I'm not good with ASL, so I just assume the captions match up with the signs and vice versa, so that's kind of concerning.


Another booboo in 6.4 (I think), when Iris is telling Keshon her background, having grown up in Alaska, and says she saw her mom's side of the family seldom, as they live "on the mainland". Uh-uh. For AK, that'd be "the lower 48".

Also, can anyone explain how a post I wrote on IMDB shows up here? I'm glad, but...what the heck's going on? IMDB closed their boards and moved the content to here?
