I feel annoyed !

I really don't understand what kind of love between them. She really loves him and she willing to does everything to close to him and he just stick in USA and waiting for love ? (Maybe he has super glue in his ass). He didn't deserve for the love from girl. Fighting for love ? Come on ! She deserves for someone better than this coward.

1 star from me.


Even if you have a strong point, i think you have to live what they did to fully understand.

Even if on the surface it looks like she is more in love with me, do not miss the signs. I have been in his shoes and his reactions in the second part of the movie are from a man that even if he loves her, without knowing, he is tired of what happend.

There is a scene in the park where she talks about seeing other people, even if she doesn`t say it straight, she somehow thinks of that.

Remember, remember the 5th of november


I was tried to understand what is his point of love. Is it so hard to marry the person he loves ? Why could he asked her take a risk for her visa to stay with him during summer and then she has no chance to visit him ? Everything happened just because of his fault. He is a man who in loves with one woman and he doesn't wanna fight for love, sorry I couldn't understand that point.

She somehow thinks of that because he ignored her. He is the first one said break up and sleep with another woman, she still lonely after broke up. She is pretty girl, of course many men will want her.


You'd be a good troll, sunrisecty.

no i am db
