MovieChat Forums > Starbuck (2012) Discussion > À quand le remake américain?

À quand le remake américain?

Ce film est exceptionnel à mon avis. Oui il aurait pu être plus achevé mais en définitive c'est un des bons films québécois des dernières années.

Je prédit un remake américain (pas que ce soit nécessaire lol!): le concept est universel, vendeur et les possibilités humoristiques infinies!

Alors qui seront les artisans de ce remake?
Parler pour parler, j'imagine hollywood offrir le rôle de David à Adam Sandler

Pour moi le meilleur réalisateur américain pour ce remake serait celui qui nous a offert Up in the air et Juno. Son nom m'échappe...

Amusez vous a faire votre casting de rêve!



Que? Je suis trés desolé. Je ne pas parle Francais.

I did catch the name Adam Sandler in there, though. If you're suggesting that the role of David be played by Sandler in a potential American remake, I say bite your tongue. If done with a smaller budget than a Sandler film would require, I could see Mike O'Malley playing the part.

If you know your own mind, what is real and what is not, then do as you see fit.



In fact it's not a suggestion, it's a prediction!

Anyway, it would be a good role to bring a new spark in his fading career!



I hope your prediction is wrong. Americans need to stop remaking (stealing) foreign ideas. They need to start paying attention more to foreign films.


Or John C. Reilly.

Anyone but Adam Sandler!


o.m.g. I would hope for ANYONE but Sandler.


I would have been certain with Adam Sandler, but it went to Vince Vaughn and now I have mixed feelings.

Just saw it on Estonian tv, very lovely. I think it's the second Quebecer movie I remeber seeing recently since C.R.A.Z.Y.


I hope he will do fine! But he's in the right hands with Ken Scott!

If you want good movies from Quebec try these:

La grande séduction
Les Invasions barbares
Gaz Bar Blues
À l'origine d'un cri

There are of course many many others!!


Looks like you're right. It's cool that Ken Scott will get the chance to write and direct it.


I knew it! Now I hope The casting will be great!

What a chance for Ken Scott!!

I'll be watching this movie in theater when it will open for sure!


Of the possible stars mentioned to play the lead, John C. Reilly would be great, and Vince Vaughn is a good choice. I pray that Adam Sandler is nowhere near this project.

