Excellente comédie sur un horrible sujet
Interestingly, the credits listed all characters and events being fictional and any resemblance being coincidental... but in fact, the documentary Bio-Dad http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1769282/ goes over a very similar story which is very very real. In that documentary a man is in search for his biological dad and finds out about all his half-brothers and half-sisters, many many.
Donating sperm and eggs is something that should not occur. Imagine all these young people unknowingly meeting each other, falling in love, procreating with each other.
There are nearly 8 billion people on the planet, we REALLY don't need to be making more like this. There are plenty of potential adoptees and foster children desperately needing homes.
This is an example of a film with excellent production values, great acting, soundtrack, story, editing, it's all there. I just really despise the topic and knew half way through no ending could make me happy.
Interesting video on the topic of test tube procreation: Fertco http://www.archive.org/details.php?identifier=NinaVision
***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**