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Vince Vaughn starring in the American Remake 659

Vince Vaughn is in negotiations to star in Starbuck, DreamWorks’ remake of a 2011 French-Canadian comedy, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

Will Forte Joins Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn in 'Neighborhood Watch' (Exclusive)

Ken Scott, who wrote and directed the original, is writing the script for the English-language studio adaptation and will direct. Original producer Andre Rouleau also is back.

According to the studio, the film centers “on a middle-aged man (Vaughn) whose life is turned upside down when he learns he has fathered 533 children through sperm donation. When a few hundred of the children express an irrepressible need to meet their father, he must decide whether or not he will step up and reveal his identity."

Scott Mednick will executive produce.

Never saw the film, but I read about it in the paper. I'm English-Canadian.

Seems it's easier to up and remake films rather than just dub them like we used too.


Even easier to just put in subtitles, and let the original shine.

Hollywood is creatively bankrupt.


Even easier to just put in subtitles, and let the original shine.

Nah. Subtitles are too much of a distraction for the viewer who should be focusing on the characters. I still think dubbing is the best way to go.


No. If a film is subtitled well, I have no problem paying attention to the acting. But in my book, there is no such thing as a good live-action dubbed movie. When I realize that I am not hearing the actual actors, I can't pay attention to the movie. I want to hear the actual actors act, not someone TRYING to act like the original although they speak my language.


Hear Hear too true about Hollywood n I just saw this movie in BluRay with Subs and rgret that Vince will ruin this wonderful movie! Vince usually plays a jerk n will not have the sensitivity needed to do a remake to come close to this masterpiece and I hate reading movies!!!!




Decent casting. I tend to flip-flop on Vince Vaughn depending on the role, but I think he could do this justice.


I absolutely hate distracting. I just watched Starbuck with subtitles and loved it. Patrick Huard has been so awesome in everything I've seen him in. But I do think Vince Vaughn is a good fit.


I absolutely hate distracting. I just watched Starbuck with subtitles and loved it.

How is the dubbing distracting? Unless maybe the voice overs are ridiculous, or maybe you're too use to the original voices.


i prefer subtitles to dubbing, because i like to hear the actual actor in the role... you get the feeling and emotions even without understanding the actual spoken words... but that's just me...

as for this film, i'm watching it right now (subtitled) on hbo in canada... i love this movie... there does seem to be a trend in american remakes of awesome foreign films... i dunno why they don't just re-release the originals, seems like if it's not spoken english they just don't go see it....

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...


i love this movie... there does seem to be a trend in american remakes of awesome foreign films... i dunno why they don't just re-release the originals, seems like if it's not spoken english they just don't go see it....

Not just in making them in english, but they want to "Americanize" foreign films. Look at the popular Israeli flick LEMON POPSICLE, and the American remake THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN.


I *hate* dubbing. Subtitles are easy -- I can come out of a subtitled movie almost unaware that I was reading the lines -- it just seems so natural. With dubbing, I'm constantly noticing that the lip movements don't match the words. It's almost unwatchable for me.

Regarding Vince Vaughn, I'm waiting to see. I think he has dramatic acting talent, and I think with the right script he will do an excellent job. Well, we shall see. I saw the Canadian version today at Cinema Sundays at the Charles here in Baltimore MD. If the Charles shows it I'll probably try to get my wife to see it with me. When the VV version comes out I'll probably see *it* too. So that'll be a third time...

And all's fair in love and war?
[primly] I don't know about war.


I discovered this movie after watching the extended trailer for the remake on another site. The teaser trailer is possibly the most perfect example of "doesn't do it justice" I've ever encountered.
Comedic actors are often great at dramatic roles, and judging by the few minutes I watched of Vince trying it out, I have to say it looks like he's got the chops. This remake looks just absolutely delightful, I can't wait to see it, and I'm watching Starbuck later tonight with just as much anticipation :)
Go watch the extended trailer, I think you'll agree with me!


Uh, because the dialogue doesn't match the movement of their mouths.


It's distracting because I quickly figure out that it's not the original actor speaking, so I feel cheated. I'd rather hear the actual actor speak in the original language and read the subtitle to see what he's saying. Besides, I find this is a good way to actually LEARN that original language. Know why the Scandinavians speak good English? They don't watch dubbed TV shows or movies, and by listening to English spoken they learn how to speak it.


The reality of the market is that, with very rare exceptions, you can't get much of an audience for a movie unless:
- it's in English AND
- it has at least some "names" associated with it.

The subtitled movie is playing festivals (where I saw it), so if you really want to see it, you probably can (and you will be very entertained if you do). But nobody's going to put it into a bunch a multiplexes, even if you could somehow dub it seamlessly (pretty near impossible with a comedy).

If they make it in English, with Vince Vaughn etc., and the original writer and director, I'd put money on it doing quite well indeed. I don't think that's necessarily the world's greatest tragedy. Ken Scott gets to make what has a good shot at being a hit movie, and a lot of people will enjoy seeing it.


There are some important questions that should be asked about the American remake:

1. Is there going to be a 4D 96fps IMAX version?
2. Will Kristen Stewart be in it?
3. Will Batman make a cameo?

And the big question:
Should a foreign movie be shown in theaters before, or after a remake has finished its run?

Hey, and why not ask the mother of all questions:

Does the American viewer really need all that foreign crap? BAN IT!


THis was a wonderful movie now that the insufferable Vince Vaughn is going to be starring in the remake the movie is going to suck donkey balls.


I just saw this movie at my local indy/art house. I really liked it a lot. It was a nicely written foreign film that took a somewhat absurd premise and made it intelligent, warm, thought provoking and ultimately quite humorous. Yes, it was bit overly sentimental at times that bordered on being unrealistic but if you could see past that, it was definitely a "gem in the rough". It was a bit like "Lars And The Real Girl" that way.

Now Hollywood wants to cash in on an actual original story idea from another country. Instead of actors that look like real people, we'll get the "glam" version (except for Vince Vaughn of course). Also, although the script was ready made for some hilarious sperm donation references & jokes, we'll have to now put up with unrelated fart jokes and other unfunny bathroom humor.

Let me guess, instead of a complicated, funny, sympathetic and dysfunctionally vulnerable lead role, Hollywood will give us Vince V. as a one dimensional fast talking smart aleck, probably from Chicago, who has an oversexed wingman buddy and a vacuous, overly gorgeous girlfriend who has really nothing to do in the film except for overact with frustration as Vince meanders from one misadventure to the next.

Thanks Hollywood, I'll stay home, save the $12, and rent the original for an encore.




There is even a French remake, it's called "Fonzy".

The hero is interpreted by Jose Garcia, and like his name, has Spanish roots and works in a fish market instead of the butcher.

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