MovieChat Forums > Starbuck (2012) Discussion > Tous des Québécois

Tous des Québécois

C'est un peu tiré par les cheveux que tous ses enfants soient des Québécois



Je suis pas un gros fan des comédies et j'ai trouvé ça plutôt bien. Ça vaut la peine.



Et puis ?


j'ai pas vu le film, mais.. pourquoi?
si il fait des dons dans une banque de sperme à Montréal, il semblerai que les chances soient bonnes que le sperme soit utilisé par des médecins à Montréal sur de femmes dans la region, non? Sur ses 500 dons, j'aurai pensé que la majorité serait des québecois.


ce ne sont peut-être pas tous des Québécois...seulement 142 des 533 enfants veulent retrouver Starbuck, ce qui laisse à croire que peut-être d'autres enfants sont ailleurs au Canada, ou dans le monde...




Wow SamMalone07. How arrogant. This is a Canadian movie in French so French people are discussing it in their language. Have you ever seen a French speaking person go on an American movie board and profanely demand that people speak French?


I'm pretty sure he was kidding.

You mean Norman Bates Jr. is the baby daddy?


I'm sorry I don't speak French, but was glad to see some French discussion on the boards, especially, as was pointed out, since this is a French-language film set in a Francophone city.

I've put the poor slob on my Ignore list, and I presume others will too. Sorry!

And all's fair in love and war?
[primly] I don't know about war.


It's a line from Pulp Fiction you uppity pretentious whack-jobs. Get a sense of humor. As a guy who's traveled the world, I guarantee the french people I met are nothing like you @ssholes and would say the same thing to me.


Je trouve pas ça très tiré par les cheveux que le plupart le soit. La clinique de sperme est basée au Québec, Starbuck est québécois...
Puis, le joeur de soccer est italien et il y a un enfant mulâtre juste dans ceux les 144 qu'on a vu (que j'ai remarqué, il y en a probablement d'autre).


I watched it without subtitles - and although I was born in Quebec in a predominately English community (read: nobody spoke FRENCH, not even the FRENCH teachers) I never realized how easy it was to watch Quebec movies! :) I guess I learned a lot more than I realized (now here in Ontario). RDS with the Habs is my only link to French anymore :)

Anyways, I wouldn't find it odd that all of his children would be French, he was in an area of town where it was predominately French, and presumably the girls who used his sperm would be relatively local (i think). This is not to say that any one of hos children couldn't speak English, In fact I would say the majority would be able to. One scene at the end of the film had him hugging his son who was wearing a McGill University jacket (English Uni).

Also, I would think that a Polish immigrant family like David's would also speak perfect English (even if French was spoken at home).

2 for 2 in my Quebecois film quest this week: 7 Days (horror) and now Starbuck (comedy) are two of my favourite Canadian made movies of the past probably 10 years. English Canada hasn't made a film worth watching (other than children shows and documentaries) since Meatballs and Porky's lol.. and a few Cronenberg gems here and there.


En fait, quand la femme décide de faire affaire avec une clinique d'insémination etc elle choisit l'origine du donneur donc nécessairement ses enfants sont des mères qui choisit un sperme caucasien, c'est tout! Il y avait avait quelques un plus basané! Tk, whatever! ahah C'est un bon film Québécois.
