Delivery Man

Is it the same concept, just saw the preview?


Remake, based on the same screenplay.


I saw Delivery Man, didn't know it was a remake so rented Starbuck. I'm only forty minutes in but its striking how little is changed in Delivery Man. Whole sections of dialogue are lifted. The jokes are all the same and the scenes are basically the same order.

As I said I haven't finished but I'll be interested to see how the rest plays out.



Yes. Same director, same writers.

They just reshot it in English with stars who were more bankable (at least in theory).


So this is the same situation as Death At A Funeral.

"uh, there would be no a fight. there'd be a ryan sized hole in the wall- and i'd be gone."


I am a Quebecer and I saw the remake first! It was entertained and I was surprised. It's only couple months later I watch the original. I taugh but of them was good in their own way. Personally I prefer Starbuck for his actors and culture matter. One of our best films and one of our very fews that been remaked !!!
