Saddest movie ever

Was anyone else able to make it through the whole movie? Bc I started sobbing when he was a puppy and got caught by the pound and by the time he was just left chained up outside I had to leave bc I couldn't stop thinking about my own dog...


Wow, you didn't make it very far at all. :)

I didn't cry during the movie but there were some parts that were very hard to resist. The part where he was left chained up outside made me more angry than sad though.
But thanks to the trailer spoiling the end I recognized that dog as the one who would be reunited with Ethan so I knew it would work out for him.


What almost made me cry was the part when he got shot during his life as a police dog. And the ending as well


yes that was very sad


I agree; saddest movie I have ever seen, although it does have a very HAPPY ending.

I did not see Schindler's List though.
