At the end of the film, how did Arkin find where the Collector's private home was? Did I miss something? I didn't catch everything Arkin was saying to the Collector when he had the gun pointed to the back of his head.
He said he noticed all the spiders and that because he was such a collector and obviously knew so much about insects and all that he looked up a certain profession in that field (forget exactly what) and found 14 people in a 200 mile radius in that profession, and that he was number 12. So it seems he went down the list of people until he found him
Wasps nest, or hornet's nest you mean, and I hated that, Collector in Part 1 was bald, Collector from Collection had hair, and the two film's settings werent more than a week away, can anyone give me a good, logical explaination for that? Dunstan and Melton had to realize this, and it must be that way for a reason
> Not only did the collector have hair in the Collection, but he magically grew several inches and gained about 60 pounds or so.
Arkin obviously had the wrong bug collector. He said that he just visited the first eleven on his list. If he pulled a gun on each and threw them in trunks, he's just looking to kill all 14 since he can't tell which was the real one. Since #12 doesn't look like we know the killer should, it's a case of mistaken identity.
-- What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
Arkin noticed the insects and other arthropods in the motel. It wasn't too hard to figure out an entomologist--person whose profession is to catch and study bugs--would be the Collector. Arkin looked for all entomologists in the area and found 14. He eliminated 11 from the list--how exactly is unclear--and finally found his man at Number 12. Then he set to work ensuring the Collector would collect no more people or bugs.
Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.
The baldness thing can be debunked with a bald cap. The Collector gave me the impression he used multiple disguises to sort of not have a clear image of his appearance to the authorities or victims
1) He could have stalked all of them, one by one until he saw someone that actually knew what to do (the collcetor reacted rather well to the intrusion)
2) Although not mentioned in this film, in the first movie, Arkin pulled off the mask when they were in the basement so he saw the guy's face. So he could have tracked them down \ find pictures until he found the right one.
its hollywood it doesnt need to make sense nonetheless what did he just google insect collectors or what and find out there are 14 in the area why would the collector be on the internet if hes trying to be anonymous
There was a list of only 14 licensed Entomologist's in the city (of a two-hundred mile radius) The Collector was #12. He checked out all of them until he found Mr. Collector.