It is De Niro's Best Performance in years but Worst film
one of his worst films.
This film was confused and illogical and choppy I couldn't make head nor tail of it. But I have to say that De Niro looks and sounds and acts his best in years.
Cillian Murphy is fairly routine throughout until the climax and then he really does show what we know from his other work- ie; he can act. Sigourney Weaver is lovely, very captivating and always has been one of those actresses who it's hard to take your eyes off on screen.
But.....BUT.... the film was so disastrous and pointless that I was angry at the end for having invested 1hr 55mins of my time in it.
I did stick with it because I kindof liked the style of it. In some ways it had the air of 70s supernatural films to it like Richard Burton's The Medusa Touch and The Omen films.
In fact I kind of think De Niro had an air of Burton to him in this film.
De Niro is great in it no doubt but I wondered by the end why 3 very good actors got involved in a messy, choppy, confused and confusing film with 1 twist that you could see coming a mile off (De Niro) and another that was unfeasible(Murphy).
Oh well. I just wish we could take De Niro's aura and excellence in this film and insert it into a better film.
Trade- phenodihydrochloride benzelex
Street- the embalmer