Photos allegedly from the Mind
Silver was a combination of various psychics. Uri Geller (bending metal objects), Eleuterio Terte (psychic surgery) and others. I believe these were all proven fake. However, one I am not sure about - Ted Serios. There was short scene where they showed what looked like Polaroid photos that were blurred and supposedly taken from the "mind" of Silver (Robert De Niro). This is based on Serios, who many of you may have never heard of. His "ability" was to take Thoughtographic images by looking into the lens of a camera. Most of the psychic stuff is pure nonsense, but I always found Serios interesting. He may have been a fake, but maybe a "good fake" like the alien autopsy. Good effects, but still fake. But I'm not sure if anyone ever exposed him or not. Amazing Randi, anyone?