Call me confused

This movie confused me. The dialog wasn't very well thought out and jumped all over and other things just weren't explained. That is where you come in and clear stuff up for me. I didn't get the part with the family and the kid wouldn't talk or draw then they suddenly turned on some heavy metal music. What was that all about?

The next part was towards the end when the guy and girl were watching the monitor and zooming in on the watches. They mentioned the watches were synced up to do something but I didn't quite get what they were trying to do. One watch is split into 10 and the other guy presses the button and so Robert DeNiro's character looks at his watch to know which section of the 10 it gets pressed on so he can press the right button? Is that right?

Then the whole end scene was confusing for me. How did all the rumbling and speaker explosions start and end? Then after that scene Tom was saying "it was me" then they showed various clips.

The other part that cracked me up was that the theater had the cheapest bathroom in the world. One tap to the sinks and toilets and they broke! I liked the idea of this movie and the cast is a good cast but the dialog was terrible.


1. It was just another psychic debunking. He was supposed to produce messages from the beyond. He did not, so his mom tried to use a lack of the right music as an excuse.

2. De Niro and the other guy had a code worked out, so that when the second hand on their watches was at a certain number, they'd both press the right button.

3. The rumbling thing was the investigator having legit paranormal powers. They manifested in an attack on the theater. It's their idea of a twist ending, but it's pretty weak.

4. Yeah, that fight was pretty fake looking.

