MovieChat Forums > Red Lights (2012) Discussion > What's wrong with this movie?

What's wrong with this movie?

It's strange, I waited a long time before I watched this on Netflix streaming because I didn't like the characters, the title or the trailer, I just got a dumb vibe. But then I got bored and gave it a chance. I wasn't disappointed.

Both Deniro and Weaver seemed to phone it in, Murphy was okay, and Olsen was barely in it, though I like her work.

I had no interest in the story idea, I think ESP is dull and boring, and like Weaver's character, I've never seen it happen.
I have no interest in exposing esp fakes, does anyone? This is really the biggest flaw in the film, the fact that no one cares about fake psychics. On tv, they are barely tolerated because they are so dumb. When did it become criminal to fake people? In Spain maybe?

I hate the ghost hunter tv shows, it's worse than the Housewives of Wherever.

I have seen the blood and goo "operation" so many times in films I was hoping they would do it differently or not at all.

The cards reflecting in the glasses was painful to watch since it was telegraphed even before it started, I guess I'm psychic.

Deniro's character had no back story, and no reason to claim fame, he didn't do anything. Sure enough, when he returns to the stage, he does nothing again. The goo operation and the floating by wires and the bombastic yelling felt empty.

Weavers son was 4, then he was on life support for 30 years? He looked pretty good for a 30 year old bed ridden, coma patient.

Weaver dies for no reason. Murphy is beaten almost to death for no reason.

Weaver and Murphy expose a con man while he is performing, then he goes to jail for hard time? Really, is Joel Osteen next?

Weaver's character admits she is conflicted because Silver made her believe once, or be doubtful anyway. But all along, her protege actually is psychic. But does he tell her, does he do anything with his powers? No. In fact, most people in the theater believed it was Silver doing the shaking, or at least, they didn't know what was going on. Did he not know he had powers? Cop out.


Great, now add a spoiler warning.


I have no interest in exposing esp fakes, does anyone?


