MovieChat Forums > Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Discussion > Concerning the sexual scenes and their e...

Concerning the sexual scenes and their effect...

What's the percentage of pre-teens who have similar sexual experiences to Sam and Suzy? I'm not saying it doesn't exist but isn't it generally a bit premature for a girl that age to invite a boy to touch her breasts and to say she likes his erect penis, and for him to have her sit for nude paintings (which is implied)? Again, I'm sure some do a lot of things at that age, but how many really? I think for the majority of the audience these scenes may have been a little unpleasant to watch (even if many wouldn't admit it) - or at least, they took a little bit away from relatability and ability to identify with the characters.

Last watched: Cabaret (8.5/10), The Butler (4/10),


I too will be interested in the comments of others.

When I was watching those scenes it didn't bother me because they weren't doing it in a mischievous way, or a "sexy" way, it was more matter-of-fact and it was (I suppose) to show how the two of them were different from other boys and girls who might get silly or sexy about it.

Also it is my impression, thinking back to my preteen years and the games we boys and girls would play at parties, that what we see between those two characters in this movie may be very authentic for the time it was set.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Take a risk, Take a chance, Make a change. Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway


I presume you didn't watch any french movies with pre-teen sex scenes? Even implied once. For me they just show innocence and is normal, we all know they happen anyway.


I can only say that I was hooked from the age of 11. Probably didn't help that a friend of mine's older sister would flash her breasts at me. If I can put aside my own awkwardness as a parent, the scenes don't bother me that much (especially after reading how Wes handled it during the filming).

Sail away tiny sparrow...


I did. Not too different


Depends on the kids, really. I've had friends who claimed or (you could tell) had sex or were experienced in sexual acts when I was a kid. I had a friend in 8th grade (about 14/15) who had a pregnancy scare. Sometimes kids just rush to grow up, I guess.


Sometimes kids just rush to grow up, I guess.

Yeah true, that was brought up when Bruce Willis's character said: "even smart kids stick their finger in electrical sockets sometimes. It takes time to figure things out. It's been proven by history. All mankind makes mistakes. It's our job to try to protect you from making the dangerous ones, if we can."

But is sexual experimentation one of the mistakes the film holds them to have made? I don't know because the way the adults came and Bill Murray lifted that tent and they were holding onto eachother (undressed) and Suzy's mother grabbed her by force... it cast the adults in a bad light and sympathized with whatever the kids were doing I thought.


But is sexual experimentation one of the mistakes the film holds them to have made?

Sexual experimentation is natural and healthy but I've always felt it's wrong for movies and media to encourage it. Discovering sex before I was ready is possibly the worst thing that ever happened to me and continues to affect all aspects of my life. cast the adults in a bad light and sympathized with whatever the kids were doing I thought.

I agree, and that's why I feel the filmmakers are encouraging sexual behavior in children.


Not counting playing doctor-type experimentation when I was really young I was a couple of years older before I did anything like that but I had a number of friends who were doing that kind of stuff and more at that age. I would say they were in the minority but not super rare. Remember Sam was a foster kid who also smoked a pipe and didn't seem surprised when offered beer so I'd guess it wasn't his first time to drink. Plus Suzy obviously had some issues. Those are the kinds of kids that start messing around early.

By the way, I don't think it was ever implied that she modeled nude for Sam. She asked if the nude painting was her. If it was her, he did it from his imagination.


I believe you have a point that these two had issues. It's true that people with issues are usually the ones who experiment and rebel against boundaries most.


I believe you have a point that these two had issues.

Right, but at no point does the story clearly convey the idea that these kids have (serious) issues. Only a scrutinizing eye is going to pick up on such. Rather, the story keeps with a the growing Hollywood theme that kids are more self-aware than adults about what's best for them.

In fact, these two kids aren't depicted as children at all and that's a huge violation by the filmmakers. No matter how precocious and self-aware they may be, we need a very clear indication by the end of the film that these characters are in fact still children.

It's true that people with issues are usually the ones who experiment and rebel against boundaries most.

While I agree with what the previous poster wrote, I think you're dead wrong with this statement. Healthy kids continually experiment and push boundaries, and we need be more concerned with those that don't. My only contention is that their experimentation needs to happen naturally. Between the internet, movies and other external influences, I have a feeling that it rarely does.


Depends where you live, your culture. In some backward conservative area of the USA it might be very unusual, kids will learn to use a gun before they kiss anyone, while in a more socially evolved place in say Scandinavia, it'd be completely normal.


When she said "it feels hard" was she talking about his wee wee? If so then yeah I was shocked by that . But I think it was also for trade very very naïvely. Which sounds about right for a couple of kids they don't think about things the same way adults do.
