nice try but

There are a lot of other movies in this one.
They have done their homework. It is not that I dismiss quotes in general, in the end there is never nothing 'new' everything is built on history, but then one have to use them in a good way, create a strong personal vision. And I have a difficult time seeing this in this movie ... It looks like a puzzle of 'good scenes' from a lot of others work. A fluffy story and fluffy characters.

I prefer 'Godfellas' over this one, it has the same tone & feel, but is superior in a lot of ways (and not only for the choice of music from the 'belle epoque'), or the barbeque, or the showing of the house when she is pulling the brothel (I am typing while watching) ...

Could be it's younger brother that is looking for his own style by trying to copy key elements that he has seen before ...



I don't even think it was a "nice try". What a mess.

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Agreed - it was a mess. To start, this film had all amazing actors, and yet they seemed so miscast. Clive Owen was NOT convincing as a cold-blooded killer at all, which sucks because usually Clive's performances are pretty amazing! Marion Cotillard - I love this actress, and yet I cringed every time she was on screen here (did any viewers buy that she was a drug-addicted hooker??!??! REALLY?!?! She was wayyyy too classy throughout the film to convince me that she's on hard times.)

None of the actors were even successful at nailing their accents....kinda takes you OUT of the film when you hear Clive's british accent coming through in multiple scenes, or Mila's failed attempt to use a strong NY accent throughout. I won't even comment on Marion's pathetic attempt at Italian/NY accent? I couldn't even tell what she was trying for here.
I don't think I've ever watched a film where I was took so much notice of how poor the accents turned out :-(

Everything seemed so predictable in this film....I never felt surprised at anything that happened, which is nuts because this film had lots of opportunities to shock! And I guess because of that, I found myself watching the clock and thinking "I'm only AN HOUR into this - there's still how long??!!". I'm just saying, I was REALLY excited about this film, REALLY excited about the cast, but this was a fail in my opinion.
