MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > I am about to watch the trailer for the ...

I am about to watch the trailer for the first time, but I wanted to say this first:

I said years ago they should've made the sequel, and put MAVERICK in the role Viper had in the 1986 film; as the wise, cool trainer and elder statesman. Heck, it was 2000-2005 when I was saying this to my friends.

Now, it's fifteen years EVEN AFTER THAT and they are finally making the sequel, and they have Maverick still flying planes in active duty? Dude, come on. A 60 year old active duty pilot is not realistic, far as I know (not an expert) but I will ask some pilot buddies to verify. Anyway, I have 'heard' that he's basically reprising the format of the first movie. If they do that, it is silly, it is selling out, and it is (IMO) nothing but a money grab. (I'm wondering if Tony Scott's death has anything to do with this FINALLY getting greenlit. Maybe his family needed cash so they took an offer on the rights?)

Okay, rant over. I'm off to watch the trailer to see if they took my advice (Cruise as Top Gun trainer) or went the cheesy route (a 60 year old actor trying to still act 30)

Back in a few minutes....


Lol you’ll be disappointed.

I think it still looks good though, plus you got Loggins coming back, Faltermayer back, and you’re also bringing in Zimmer. Movie will be worth it for the soundtrack alone.


I agree about the soundtrack. And that it's worth a try. But... I do not expect the magic the first one had.



That will be a great soundtrack. Unfortunately, bringing back original crews doesn't always pan out. Indiana Jones #4 is a sad example.


Well, just watched it and, yes, I smell ample cheese.

Reprising the volleyball game? Really?

Reprising the bar song scene? Really?

Reprising the 'makeshift hanger classroom' scene? Really?

I'm sure there are other 'really' moments I didn't catch since the trailer was cut pretty fast. Oh, and who were those 'enemy' jest he's flying 'against' ? North Korea? lol

Ah well, it's never how ya play it in your head.


so its a remake , not a sequel?


no it's not a remake, just feels patronizing to me that they are luring viewers in with literally the same camera setups from the first movie. No originality. Pandering to all the fans who love the first one.


Was just talking about this to a friend who hadn't heard about the movie. We pulled up the trailer on his phone for a good laugh.

There's too many things wrong with this to count. lol

reply watched it before you posted this...just to make yourself right. I absolutely believe you saw the trailer before..oh and Maverick is not 60......πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

As for being in the Navy still and a's possible..... rare but possible....


I really didnt lol


Yeah you did and besides of course they were gonna make him a on duty would suck if he was just training....πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


You trolling me? Watch your arse young man.


Of course I am. But still I think you are being extremely nitpicky about this. Read the link I gave you. The movie would have sucked if he was grounded. It's gonna be a fun movie and that is all that matters. It doesn't have to abide 100% to reality and the actual rules ..


Okay sure. I may be wrong and if I am I will admit it next summer. In fact I hope I am wrong! But I still say that trailer is cheese.....



Fair enough...
