The title sure is ironic
I've watched her over the years from her days as a relative unknown on square pegs and as the kind attendant in flight of the navigator - even in footloose. She was kind of fun to watch as a kid but hardly the kind of actress you could take seriously. I also don't find her attractive at all which is why I find Sex In The City so hard to watch when guys call her really hot etc, course that's all scripted but even so ,she just isn't someone you want to watch on screen for 2 hrs. So when you see her in a lead role in a movie, you can't help but think how does she indeed do it ?. The investors can't seriously think she can pull in the big bucks - she is not a bonifide box office star like say Natalie Portman or even Julia Roberts who still manages to pull em in (I do like Julia even though she does get more money than she's worth but heck she does pull in the crowds even for her crappy stuff like Notting Hill and for that matter Runaway bride , ok she's done a lot of crap but she's far better than SJP overall and has star power).
SJP needs to be the supporting actress, the best friend etc , Not the lead. she just simply cannot pull it off. Her acting and clout just aren't lead actress material , at least not in a major movie. Maybe a TV movie or indie. This movie will most likely tank as did the latest SATC movie. Aren't we tired of that crap already too.
"So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey"share