Take it for what it is!!!

People, come on!

Yes, you would like to se real people with real problems, then don't watch this movie.
Yes, you hate SJP and thinks she look like a horse, well don't watch a movie where she is in it.

The trailer, the title. It says it all! Don't expect to find some higher meaning in the movie.

I just finished it and actually enjoyed it. Good entertainment for a boring saturday night and that is what it is.
I just don't see why I have to come to this board and not find anything but hate-posts against SJP, the acting, the title, their chemistry, the talking to the cameras, the movie! You chose to watch it, deal with it!

Thaaank You.


Amen!! I thought it was a cute movie.


It was a decent movie for what it is despite the short running time and some flaws.


I have to agree with all of the above, I never really understood all the hatred against SJP. I mean clearly she is no Meryl Strip but she is kind of fun to watch.
Most rom-coms have pretty lame scenario/acting, only a few stand out. The only other rom-com I watched recently was Larry Crown and it was 10 times worse than this one. I wouldn't have normally watched it but it was on during a flight and although my standards for inflight entertainment are quite low it still was horrible both in terms of scenario and acting. At least this one was watchable.



Agree on all levels. I knew that the posters for this cite were very, very harsh but three movies this week that I avoided due to the site I ended up liking quite a bit. People are just way too harsh and cynical.

Two can only keep a secret when one of them is dead


Why would you not 'expect real problems' from the title?! (or the trailer, for that matter... since trailers are often misleading anyway)

Arguing that you should expect a movie to be dumbed down because of its marketing is just a cop-out... No studio ever openly advertises to an audience that a movie is shoddily executed.

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me
