MovieChat Forums > I Don't Know How She Does It (2011) Discussion > The tagline: 'If it were easy, men would...

The tagline: 'If it were easy, men would do it too'

I'm a feminist woman, and I thought that was kind of... hm, sexist, I guess - towards men.

I mean, come on, girls, it's not all just sunshine and ice cream for guys.

I guess I'm just getting sick of this whole gender-battle-thingy... can't we all just get along?

"I don't like alarms, Mr. White." - Mr. Blonde


My thoughts exactly.

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." - The Beatles


...despite the fact that men do it all the time.


I like how the poster tries to make it seem that she has sooooooooo much to do. 'Fix leak', 'pay bills' - I mean come on. How many times in her life would she have to fix a leak? Once maybe twice. Pay bills? What, once every hour? You can automate that.

It's like those stupid ads they do for laundry power where the mother says she does all these 'jobs' (eg, financial planner, chauffeur, chef, nurse etc). I find them so patronising. I mean, it is a very responsible job and important but you can't call yourself an accountant cos you pay your bills, or a nurse if you put a bandaid on your kid.

Do housewives really need to be talked down to like this? It would give me the s**ts.


gender war is profitable and convenient for the industry and politicians.


I agree with you.

I'm male, but I get pissed when I see portraying either men or women as generally incapable. I hate that. This movie, IMO, portrays both genders at their weekest points, and not even in a funny way.


Couldn't agree more ... I found it offensive and I too am over the stereotypical gender stuff.

More importantly though this "lets laugh at the opposite sex" stuff is counterproductive for the justified fight for sexual equality.

One could argue that it is the establishments way of trivialising the whole sexual equality issue so as to maintain the conservative status quo and distract from the real and important issues.

Sadly conservative values are all too entrenched in Hollywood.

"Science is the poetry of reality." Richard Dawkins


I thought the same. At first I snickered, then I realised I would find it absolutely unacceptable if it was an anti-female tagline, or an anti-white tagline, or anything else really.

Centuries of entrenched inequality doesn't mean you can make up for it by trying to fight back by making immature jokes. It just doesn't sit well with me.

I know that multiple studies show that despite the progress we've made, women still do more household tasks and more of the childcare, yet that doesn't mean it should be portrayed like this - that just creates further divide.

I have huge issues with how women are treated by the media and we have a long way to go but fighting back by being rude really doesn't help! Ugh.


Agreed and men DO do it. For the love of everything times have changed. Both genders are occupying all roles now. Why put us women on a pedestal!?

Ridiculous tag line...and so dated.
