I Though Working Mom Guilt Died In The Late 90s...
...ugh. On behalf of all women, I apologize for not having a child glued to me 16 hours of my waking day. Now, can we please move on from this?
share...ugh. On behalf of all women, I apologize for not having a child glued to me 16 hours of my waking day. Now, can we please move on from this?
shareI don't think the personal guilt ever ends. I'm not knocking working moms but at the end of the day if your job means you let your children down and are not there when they need you then yes you will feel guilty.
shareMy mother worked full-time (so did my dad) and she never let me or my 4 siblings down once that I remember. Made me independent. I'm amazed at some of my friends who had stay-at-home mothers - such slackers as adults. Mummy did everything for them.
shareMy mother worked full time too and was still a great mom (I'm not knocking working moms) but it stands to reason that a woman like Kate in this film who travels for work and has the kind of job that is inflexible around her life-style will miss things. It's just a fact.
Imagine this: that you have a husband who travels very, very often for work. How do you feel when, for the second time that month, you find marijuana in your kid's room, and the middle school calls you and tells you that your other kid brought a kitchen knife to school in a backpack. Then, the dog bit your neighbor and the police knocked on your door to talk to you about a complaint someone made about your driving. Then, the drain backed up from recent rains, causing a flood you didn't notice until you went to clean the bathroom.
What fun. You think people working full time go home and deal with all of these things with a relaxed attitude? Meanwhile, they have stress related to office politics and bills that haven't yet been paid.
Oh, right... just call the other spouse on the phone; he'll take care of it! What I thought was unrealistic was the Greg Kinnear character calling SJP when the son fell down the stairs. What did the doctors say in the ER - that he was fine? If so, then why call her? Lots happens when a spouse travels a lot for work. Way more than was even depicted in the scenes from this story!
If I could choose spending time at work or with my kid I'd choose my kid Everytime.