No mentions of Chietel
For me Chitwetel was the central actor of the film and carried it well. Maybe I thought so because I was never a big devotee of Julia Roberts.
Chitwetel/ Ray is very expressive, particularly facially, and that is where much of the story was reflected.
I was confounded on two points.
I didn't get that Ray and Claire were a "thing". I saw Jesse's teasing early on and then 13 years later the husband walks in as Claire is patching up Ray. He goes upstairs saying he might as move in as he has had a presence there the past 12 years.
Basically they had to TELL the audience what was supposed to smoldering interests.
Ray expressed some trivial interest, but nothing that wasn't typical guy stuff showing they are aware and alive. And that only from Ray, nothing from the cool DA.
As stated elsewhere Kidman's big moment was during the interrogation of the perp. (the real one? Yes?
I was lost at the end due to what many have noted. Trying to follow the flashbacks and flash forwards. When were they chasing the guy at the ballgame and at the race track?
That must have been in year one but it was not so clear. Following the ex-con (who was not the perp) to the chop shop was 13 years later. Right? Yes I noted the hair lengths and lack there of, as the time moved back and forth but it was still confused me. Who just got killed?
Oh and Siefert torching the car must have been in year one. I was bewildered there too.
I marked the movie down to a 6 due to that.
You can imagine why I took no pleasure watching Momento years ago.