Wow, i was also of the opinion that Black woman/White man was much more uncommon and less accepted than its opposite, but you made a nice list right there to prove your point. You could also add "How to get away with murder" in that list, as it also contains this type of mixed relationship.
Yet for some reason, i can't shake the feeling that a black man and a white woman is less frowned upon... I dunno, maybe it's a false impression.
As far as mixed race relationships go, i find them beautiful. The ability to see beyond what makes us different at first glance is somewhat awe-inspiring in my book when we consider the natural tendency human have to be drawn towards similarity rather than dissemblance. I suppose mixed relationships are a sign that beside the need for conformity and this natural attraction for resemblance, curiosity and empathy are also important components of human nature that drive our behavior.
On another note, i'm naive enough to think that on the long run, mixed race relationships are the solution against racism on a global level, as it is only when we'll all be brown-skinned with slit eyes (and trust me, we will be, it's merely a matter of time) that there won't be any phenotypical differences that separate us and feed racist positions.
I say naive because i trust humans to find always new original and refreshing ways of hating and killing each other beside skin color, such as religion, gender, tradition, politics, social class or sports or based on any other reason we haven't discovered yet. But at least, no "racism" in the literal sense anymore. Just tribalism, regionalism, sexism, nationalism, elitism and religious hatred. HUGH.
Ok, enough rambling.... i guess.
People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs