MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > Just finished season 2 discussion. Spoil...

Just finished season 2 discussion. Spoiler

First off wow loved it, it's a really well crafted and intense show.
Firstly for a while there I really thought it was gonna end like the film at the end of last season, San Fran blows Joe Blake executes frank etc etc

Frank, man this was HIS season. He was probably my least favorite last year with all the crying over Juliana and what not but damn did he come in this year. Now did I miss something or am I to consider him dead? It was Kind of far fetched for me that THE INSPECTOR kido survived. Ya know after being shot and in a bombing.

Juliana was annoying, same as last season.

Smith, man he plays it close to the chest. I'm a little confused on how he had huasman arrested,


Or the whole fuherer dying power grab. I'm to understand hitler wished Haussmann to be his successor, along with the guy Heinrich from season 1, and it was there plan to continue the conquering quest and not Hitler's ?


Joe Blake was pretty disappointing this year

The TRADE minister, came to our (let's call it) universe to find his wife? And found a son and family with Juliana? Why did his son look like jappenese frank lol? He brings back the film of our H bomb.
But the nazis have been collecting the films as well, why didn't they bring up the man in the high castle when smith brought it to Berlin?


Was the crazy guy that met Juliana? And Smith seemed to know his name, are we to understand he makes the films or collects them? Because hitler also collected them right? I'm to understand that's how hitler maintained his empire by learning from the films the mistakes made by other universe Hitlers? Or did these films come to this world the same way the trades minister "brought" it.


(A) As I understood the dialogue between Heusmann and Joe, Hitler's intention in appointing Heusmann was that Heusmann was only to hold the Chancellor's seat as a caretaker pending the selection of a replacement, not that Heusmann would hold the seat permanently. Heydrich was backing Heusmann in his plot to seize permanent control of the Chancellor's seat and start WW III with the Japanese.

(B) You are correct that it was Heusmann's plan to continue conquering the world, not Hitler's. We're left to assume that Hitler's study of the films had caused him to realize that pursuing the conquest of Japanese controlled territories would in some manner be detrimental or counterproductive to his objectives. Heusmann was either unaware of whatever was in the films that had convinced Hitler or Heusmann was aware but was still such an ideologue that he wanted to pursue the conquest of Japanese territory anyway.


Again on smith,
Smith was an American, who turned nazi after the DC bombing, used his position of power to "eaze" the the transition of power to nazi rule ? He and the guy in S1 (who tried to kill Hitler but ended up killing him self) were war buddies that believed in the Reich? Inspector kido brought information about assaination attempt to smith to keep the peace between the nations? Why did smith want peace ? Every other nazi seemed to want the war why not smith


Smith was an American, who turned nazi after the DC bombing, used his position of power to "eaze" the the transition of power to nazi rule ?

More or less. Remember that the Nazi's did much the same thing in major European cities, the installation of sympathetic figureheads.

He and the guy in S1 (who tried to kill Hitler but ended up killing him self) were war buddies that believed in the Reich?

We don't know there entire war history. Ironically, Rudolph Wegener was a German national who clearly did not end up believing in the Reich (as we saw), while Smith did (or at least, did at the moment he had Rudy arrested).

Inspector kido brought information about assaination attempt to smith to keep the peace between the nations? Why did smith want peace ? Every other nazi seemed to want the war why not smith

I'm not sure where you're getting that from.

Heusmann certainly wanted to purify the globe, with his relatively small band of conspirators (Heydrich and everyone under him). But nobody else was warmongering, not even Hitler.

Neither Kido nor Smith were traitors. They both believed in their respective regimes, but neither one of them saw global annihilation as being a good thing.

But then, I think in season 3, we might see Kido start sympathising with the likes of Frank and the resistance (probably with some help from Tagomi). And we already see Smith's resolve in the Reich unraveling, thanks to his sons genetic defects and the general knowledge that Hitler himself was a Parkinson's-ridden "Useless Eater".

Brevity is the soul of wit.


Why did smith keep Heinrich alive?


Why did smith keep Heinrich alive?

If you mean Heydrich, I suppose it had something to do with using him to ferret out the name of the top conspirator, which turned out to be a good idea.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


Haussmann, was Joe's father.
Joe was born in lebensborn, which was what exactly? Did Haussmann actually poison Hitler or did hitler die naturally? He didn't look to be in terrible shape at the end of S1. Haussmann wanted the Reich to be in control of the world, him and Heinrich were plotting against hitler for some time ?


Joe wasn't "born in lebensborn", he was Lebensborn


If I followed this correctly Kido brought the film of the Bikini atoll H-bomb test from "our" reality to Smith so Smith could convince Heussman that the Japanese had the H-bomb and that war would be suicidal. But wouldn't the natural reaction be to assume it's a fake? After all, how could Japan have tested something so destructive in secret? The Germans must have had spies all over the Empire. Plus, seismographs and radiation monitors would have picked up something. I found the whole ending rushed and unconvincing. Himmler was convinced far too quickly about the conspiracy, I thought.


Season 2 spoilers:

Now did I miss something or am I to consider [Frank] dead?

We don't know, didn't see the body.

If the Frank character comes back in Season 3, then he either survived the blast, or we're getting a Frank from an alternate reality (crossing over the same way Tagomi, his assistant, Trudy, and perhaps even The Man in the High Castle does).

Brevity is the soul of wit.
