Smith was an American, who turned nazi after the DC bombing, used his position of power to "eaze" the the transition of power to nazi rule ?
More or less. Remember that the Nazi's did much the same thing in major European cities, the installation of sympathetic figureheads.
He and the guy in S1 (who tried to kill Hitler but ended up killing him self) were war buddies that believed in the Reich?
We don't know there entire war history. Ironically, Rudolph Wegener was a German national who clearly did not end up believing in the Reich (as we saw), while Smith did (or at least, did at the moment he had Rudy arrested).
Inspector kido brought information about assaination attempt to smith to keep the peace between the nations? Why did smith want peace ? Every other nazi seemed to want the war why not smith
I'm not sure where you're getting that from.
Heusmann certainly wanted to purify the globe, with his relatively small band of conspirators (Heydrich and everyone under him). But nobody else was warmongering, not even Hitler.
Neither Kido nor Smith were traitors. They both believed in their respective regimes, but neither one of them saw global annihilation as being a good thing.
But then, I think in season 3, we might see Kido start sympathising with the likes of Frank and the resistance (probably with some help from Tagomi). And we already see Smith's resolve in the Reich unraveling, thanks to his sons genetic defects and the general knowledge that Hitler himself was a Parkinson's-ridden "Useless Eater".
Brevity is the soul of wit.