Small problem with the decor
One thing that I've noticed in this show is the decor... or lack thereof.
With the war being over for so long, I would think that the victors (Germans/Japanese)would spruce up the decor more in their acquired territories.
Their offices and headquarters show their distinct characteristics... but with this thorough of a victory, and the amount of time that's passed, you would think there would be banners in the streets, mandatory insignia usage in people's houses, etc (mostly regarding the inner cities and residential areas)... especially with what an ego-maniac Hitler was, and how the Japanese were so religious and culturally prideful.
Also, both races were very 'clean'... 'neat freaks' if you will (this was even alluded to in a few episodes)... and the streets and architecture would've been modified to fit the victors.
This was more than just an occupation, this was an annex and take-over.
The neutral area is perfect, bombed out and devoid of hope.
Other than that - this show is fascinating, and I hope it lasts a long time.