World map still image

Found this on google. Image from the war room? season 2 episode 10. Alaska and part of Asia are cut off. Best I could find.


Thanks. We can probably extrapolate for the missing parts given the location of the Japanese flag on the map.

We should post this map link the next time someone creates another "What about <my country???" threads.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


Wow. Good find!

That huge green blot in Eurasia looks like it should be a huge problem for the two superpowers.

It's large enough to be a pretty substantial country all on its own.

The defeated red army and the leadership of the USSR would have retreated into it maybe even joined by Mao's Chinese reds .

It would not be an area that the Germans or Japanese could cross on the ground with impunity.

Same for the NZ in North America.


Mexico somehow remains independent territory and the Rocky Mountains are not claimed. That's some tremendous natural resources they are not fighting over!


It's strange Mexico, the Rockies and Russia aren't claimed but remote parts of Canada and Africa are claimed despite... lets say... little strategic or economic or resource value.

Maybe they'll explain it away with "we made deals with Japan not to go any further and create these zones" and "Germany wants to look strong so it claims all that land in Africa and Canada".


The map seems to show Argentina as German occupied. I would have expected more of a client state relationship with Argentina independent but a vassal.


I would agree that it's unlikely Germany would have actually conquered Argentina, but I'll note that I don't think we know if the world maps truly show "occupied" territories as compared to "aligned."
